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Industry Webinar Industry Blogs

There are 39 blogs listed under Industry Webinar Industry Blogs. Learn about the industry webinars we host with our technology partners and self-storage industry individuals before the live webinar is launched.

How to Recruit and Retain a Quality Self-Storage Manager

Sue Creaser | October 02, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

Great facility managers are worth their weight in gold. So how do you find one, and more importantly–how do you train, develop and keep them for the long term?

Using Technology to Better Understand Your Customer

Sue Creaser | August 28, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

When you better understand what technologies are readily available within management software platforms, you’ll discover easier ways to gather data and also automate daily tasks.

Outsourcing and Automating Collections: Not just for the Fortune 500

Sue Creaser | July 24, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

Affordable tenant notification solutions and third-party collections agencies are beneficial for operations of all sizes.

Back to Basics: Self-Storage Online Auctions

Sue Creaser | July 03, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

Online auctions have many benefits, and modern technology allows you to successfully post and sell a unit without all the hassles.

Self-Storage Tenant Insurance is Good Customer Service

Sue Creaser | May 30, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

From a customer service perspective, requiring evidence of insurance to store at your facility gives your tenants the opportunity to review their current coverage and compare it to the program you offer.

The Internet of Everything (IoE) has arrived in Self-Storage

Sue Creaser | April 27, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

The Internet of Everything (IoE) platforms are re-inventing the self-storage industry to offer smart-connected self-storage solutions. Learn about these technology advancements as they relate to the self-storage business.

Strategies for Increasing Revenue Using Portable Storage Containers

Chuck Vion | March 20, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

Got extra land? Portable storage containers can be a natural extension to a self-storage site.

How eCommerce Technology and Progressive Web Apps Can Help Your Self-Storage Facility Beat the Competition

Chuck Vion | February 22, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

79% of people shop online, including those looking for a self-storage facility. Learn how eCommerce and Progressive Web Apps can help your facility gain clients and build revenue!

Marketing: The Secret to Increasing Self-Storage NOI and Asset Value

Chuck Vion | January 31, 2018 • Webinar Introduction

Marketing continues to be an underutilized driver of revenue and asset value. But with today’s digitally-minded consumers, if you don’t focus on your digital marketing presence, your self-storage property may not get found—leaving units vacant.

5 Steps to Winning the Leasing Battle and Capturing New Revenue with Current Tenants

Sue Creaser | December 05, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Discover how to uncover hidden potential revenue, streamline the pricing process and create a revenue management plan that’s perfect for your operation.

Capture Caller Data and Never Miss a Self Storage Lead

Chuck Vion | November 15, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

By using real-time analytics, caller information, whether the call is answered or not, is automatically-populated into the self-storage facility's Point of Sales software (SiteLink) using TeleTracker.

Include Charitable Giving and Watch your Business Grow

Chuck Vion | November 14, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Offering integrated donations during rental process can go a long way in customer loyalty and converting more rentals.

Using Technology & Automation as Self-Storage Differentiators

Chuck Vion | September 28, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Self-storage technology and automation increase operating efficiency while delivering a high level of service to customers.

Offer Your Self-Storage Tenants Multiple Ways to Communicate and Pay

Chuck Vion | August 30, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

It makes sense to provide an automated method for tenants who don’t have online access at the moment they wish to make a payment, or simply prefer to conduct that business over the phone.

Self-Storage Intelligence for the Smarter Operator

Chuck Vion | August 15, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Do you want to collect and store data for later analysis, or do you want the data to work for you? Use Artificial Intelligence in your self-storage operation to manage, analyze, and alert.

Using Promotions to Attract and Retain Tenants

Chuck Vion | July 10, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Promotions can incentivize customers to rent from you, but how you market your promotions may impact your ability to retain them.

Texting is More Than An Efficient Collections Tool For Self-Storage

Chuck Vion | June 17, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Texting (a.k.a. TXTing, TXT, Text and SMS) is gaining more and more traction in the self-storage industry every year.

How Online Auctions are Changing Collections, Delinquencies and Auction Day

Chuck Vion | April 03, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Self-storage unit auction day is typically one of the most dreaded events an operation endures. Often there is a lack of a process or system for managers to follow regarding the scheduling of auctions (how often and when.) Then there is the chaos surrounding hosting a public storage auction. Learn how to reduce the chaos of your next self-storage unit auction.

No Store "Too Small" For Self-Storage Software

Chuck Vion | January 26, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

Process efficiency, automation and delivering a superior self-storage tenant experience can have a dramatic affect on profitability.

Comparison: Tenant Insurance vs. A Tenant Insurance Program

Chuck Vion | January 13, 2017 • Webinar Introduction

If your initial response is “aren’t they same thing?” then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin by discussing risk. Self-Storage Tenant Insurance and a good Tenant Insurance Program both affect risk, but do so in different ways.

Increase Your Self-Storage Revenue and Retain More Cash

Chuck Vion | December 05, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Every self-storage operation needs to have a plan in place to manage revenue and that plan needs to be more detailed than sending a rate increase letter on the tenant’s anniversary date.

Get Pricing Right And Why It Matters

Chuck Vion | October 20, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Self-storage operators wishing to retain market share cannot afford to ignore pricing or customer shopping behaviors. Affordable tools have emerged to help the average self-storage operator look at pricing more strategically.

Changing Trends in Self-Storage Cybersecurity

Chuck Vion | October 12, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Self-storage operators, like many business owners, are at risk of becoming the victim of a cybercrime.

Converting Online Leads into Storage Unit Rentals

Chuck Vion | August 31, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Self-storage is an industry that requires a locally targeted marketing strategy. For sustained success, it is important to increase your facility’s online presence in your local target market.

Self-Storage Rental Agreements | Potential Ticking Time Bomb

Chuck Vion | August 11, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Your self-storage rental agreement is all that stands between you and a lawsuit, it is imperative that you regularly review and update your rental agreement to make sure it is accurate and current with all Statutory updates and case law changes.

3 Ways Your Online Reputation Impacts Your Self-Storage Business

Chuck Vion | June 23, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Online customer reviews are powerful — they can make or break a business. In fact, 92% of consumers read online reviews and 68% say positive reviews make them trust a local business more, according to Search Engine Land.

Out-lease the Competition Using Analytics and Technology

Chuck Vion | June 16, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

True Marketing Return on Investment (ROI) is a struggle for many self-storage facilities. At worst, it’s an error-ridden process of asking “how did you find us”.

Web Traffic And Ranking Are Useless, Unless:

Chuck Vion | May 18, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

“How do you get more self-storage tenants and where do you spend your marketing budget?” Unless your business is blessed with unlimited resources, the decision process is overwhelming. An option, “increasing site traffic” is highly recommended.

The Time Is Now To Engage Your Self-Storage Customers With SMS (text messages)

Chuck Vion | February 15, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

I recently heard a self-storage operator say, "My customer base is not that sophisticated. They don't own cell phones". This statement is absolutely inaccurate and out of date. More people have cell phones now than ever before, and if they have a cell phone they can receive SMS or text messages.

Five Key Principles of Conversion-Focused Website Design

Chuck Vion | January 29, 2016 • Webinar Introduction

Did you know 97 percent of consumers use search engines to research products and resources? It seems intuitive, right? Consumers head online as their first stop before making a purchase decision.

Self-Storage Security Myths

Chuck Vion | December 10, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

There are lots of myths in popular culture such as the Great Wall being visible from space; chewing gum takes seven years to digest and you should wait an hour to swim after eating. The self-storage industry has its own myths that can and do impact a self-storage operation. Believing in the self-storage myths can put your reputation at risk, result in lost occupancy, reduced your rate of rental and put you in a difficult situation when new competition comes to your area.

A Self-Storage Operator's Guide to Getting More Website Traffic

Chuck Vion | November 24, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

You have Self Storage, they need Self Storage. The question is, how are they searching for you and are you where they are looking? With so much information available online, having your website as your only marketing tool is a mistake. Some of the most effective platforms that drive leads AND positively impact your website's visibility take only 15 minutes to set up and many are free.

Automate Past Due Tenant Notifications

Chuck Vion | October 27, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

One of the greatest keys to a successfully-run business involves proper management of our most precious and scarce resource -- time. The earlier shift from paper-based to electronic-based systems gave way to new, streamlined systems where data and information are shared and stored easily.

Essential Marketing Tasks And Tactics

Chuck Vion | October 15, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

It seems to be the American way to like things big. From groceries and household goods to hardware and restaurants, many tend to prefer the giants such as Costco, Walmart, Home Depot and The Cheesecake Factory because they know what to expect when walking into these establishments. Most American industries are dominated by the giants and although the 40 year old self-storage industry is a bit of a Johnny come lately to the big franchise party, it is happening there too.

What You're Losing by NOT Offering Tenant Insurance

Chuck Vion | September 17, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

Tenant insurance is to a storage facility as the internet is to a computer. Sure, a storage facility can run without having tenant insurance available, but just as the internet opens up opportunities for a computer, tenant insurance opens up opportunities for storage facilities by adding a valuable security feature, mitigating liability, and most importantly enhancing the customer service experience for tenants.

Lower Operating Costs by Using Electronic Lien Notices

Chuck Vion | August 07, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

Recent changes in self-storage lien laws are bringing lucrative opportunities for self-storage operators to cut costs and increase profits. More than twenty-five states across the U.S. have amended their lien statutes to allow for lien notices to be sent via email.

Turbo-Charge Your Website to Get More Reservations and Rentals

Chuck Vion | January 14, 2015 • Webinar Introduction

Marketing your self-storage business online begins with a well-designed and interactive website. Yet many owners and operators still do not take advantage of integrating with major management software to enhance interactive website capabilities.

Are Self-Storage Shoppers Finding You Easily?

Chuck Vion | July 16, 2014 • Webinar Introduction

In the self-storage business, a website is especially essential to generate leads. Today self-storage shoppers want easy access to information. They will most likely do an internet search for self-storage facilities within a certain geographic range. Does your facility come up at the top of the list? Are you easily found? If not, your website is not "optimized."

Registered Email for Legal Notices is Hassle-Free

Chuck Vion | June 23, 2014 • Webinar Introduction

RPost's Registered Email® suite provides self-storage manager's and their support staff with an exact legal way of communicating with their tenants, without always having to send out physical mail (registered or otherwise) or communicate by fax.

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