eFile Management
More than just eSign - SiteLink eFile Management electronically executes, tracks, manages and stores documents in a legally binding and secure process. In addition, photos and scanned documents can be uploaded to a tenant’s record and preserved in the SiteLink cloud.
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eFile Management
Don’t settle for eSign that only attaches a jpeg image of a signature to ‘ride along’ with the document. An eSignature solution should allow a customer to sign, initial and input text fields right inside the lease or document. This speeds up the move-in and lease audit process.
A full featured electronic signature solution, like SiteLink's,
- Pre-populates lease fields
- Integrates right into the document and your management software
- Uses real signature fields for multiple signers (including manager approval if desired)
- Adds initials, checkboxes and text fields to be completed electronically, right in the document
- Embeds signatures and other completed content, along with forensic data, inside a final PDF
- Offers multiple avenues for completion - at the store, within your website or via email
- Tracks progress and offers a simple means for follow-up and completion audits
Having all the unit data, customer information and signatures as part of an electronic document allows SiteLink to speed-up the move-in process and offers an easy to use lease audit tool. Leases are stored by SiteLink for seven years after the tenant moves out.
More than a dozen State Self-Storage Association leases, like Florida or the Texas Blue Moon lease, are integrated into SiteLink eSign. These lease are ready to go out-of-the-box. Additional SiteLink enabled Self-Storage State Association leases are on the way.
There are no hidden fees or per document/lease costs for any part of eFile Management. It is built right into SiteLink Web Edition.
Sales Cycle Management
Use eFile Management for managing SiteLink eSign enabled documents that are out for tenant’s signature, awaiting manager’s signature, voided or completed. Stay on top of emailed electronic documents and expedite the completion of those that are unsigned. Sign any eDocument awaiting a manager’s signature and effortlessly review and print all voided and completed leases.
Lease Auditing Tools
The Completed Lease Audit feature allows operators to view the form-field data for each lease, including rates and variances. Search in a custom date range or simply enter any search criteria, like tenant name or unit number, for filtered results. Eliminating the banker box and paper lease search saves time better spent on more value-added tasks.
Not just simple signature capture, SiteLink eFile/eSign has built-in forensics that log IP addresses, document activity, document hashes, signature hashes, and other security information prevent tampering. SiteLink eSign leases and documents will hold up in court. Instead of storing the electronic signature separate from the PDF document, SiteLink is able to embed the signature and all forensic information directly into the PDF document.
ePhotos & eFiles
In addition to electronically signed documents, organize up to nine captured or uploaded photos and scanned documents in a tenant’s record using the ePhotos & eFiles feature. Access these photos and files through the cloud-based SiteLink software from any computer. Photos and forms, including those taken on kiosks, remain with tenants in SiteLink even after they move out.