SiteLink Web Edition Overview
More than just a single program, SiteLink Web Edition is a complete solution that comprises website integration, anywhere anytime availability, third-party partner integrations, multi-store management, best-in-class accounting and a complete toolbox of features. If you are looking for a turnkey solution for your self-storage business, look no further than SiteLink Web Edition.
Strength In Numbers
Feedback from single-store owners, multi-store operators and REITs turn into product features. Put the collective power of the largest user base onto your PC, smartphone and tablet.
Smarter, Easier Operations
Your store and back-office run smoothly with SiteLink. Automate, analyze and boost profits with SiteLink's flexibility, choice and features.
Freedom Of Choice
SiteLink never locks you into one provider of services like web design or text messaging. Choose from the best technology partners, options and pricing that best fits your business.
Recognized Industry Leaders
The industry crowns SiteLink with awards for best software year after year. More than 14,000 stores choose SiteLink over other software.
Top SiteLink Web Edition Features
Not all software is created equal. We use customer feedback to create a
superior product -- at SiteLink our customers have a voice.
SiteLink myHub
SiteLink myHub is the tablet, browser version of SiteLink Web Edition. Since myHub is browser-based, it can be used on tablets, smartphones, PCs and Macs. SiteLink myHub and the SiteLink Web Edition client software access the same server database, real-time. Updates in one interface are synced to the other and you may have as many devices from any location connected to this database (via myHub or the client software) as you wish.SiteLink Certified Professional
From basic, day-to-day operations to more advanced processes and system customization, the free, online SiteLink Certified Professional training program provides the knowledge and insight to seamlessly navigate SiteLink Web Edition front-to-back.
Lead to Lease
Never miss another lead as SiteLink automatically imports them from your website, store, call center and marketing services. Close leads with automatic reminders, text messages, letters and scheduler for appointments and calls. Proven, simple work flows convert more leads to rentals. Rent from your website, call center or by phone with SiteLink eSign™.
Time kills all deals. With SiteLink LeadAlert™, your store receives an automated phone call reminder to follow-up on internet leads as soon as they happen. This game changing feature is free to all SiteLink Web Edition users.
SiteLink eSign™
At no added cost to you, capture electronic signatures on leases, letters and forms with SiteLink eSign™. Start using the industry's fastest-growing, hassle-free way to sign more agreements faster at stores, on your website and even by phone. Audit leases from anywhere and cut the cost of filing and storing paper documents.
We offer customer support for software, credit card processing and ACH/EFT because they go together. SiteLink is the only company to service both management software and payment processing under one roof.
How did your tenants learn about your store? Measure the effectiveness of your advertising with tracking numbers and reporting on every phone call. Use SiteLink's pop-up screen each time the phone rings! The built-in TeleTracker connects with the industry's leading telephony providers of tracking numbers. Analyze the effectiveness of your marketing and convert more inquiries to paying rentals.
Tenant Notifications
Messaging, HTML emails, delivery-confirmed email, custom letters and mail outsourcing guarantee you can always be in touch. Pick the right message at the right time using the best delivery method. Customize any notice including subject lines for best results.
SiteLink Price Optimizer
Optimize unit and tenant rates to boost profits like the REITs. Using revenue management tools that work for your business and in your market, create business rules for changing rates so current and new tenants always pay the right amount.
Marketing Power
Collect and analyze marketing data to control your marketing spending. Use move-in and exit surveys, Google Maps, marketing reports and the right communication tools - like text messaging, email and customer letters - to keep up with customers. Tailor specials, eliminate waste and rent more.
Interactive Property Map
The birds-eye-view of your store is a great visual tool for daily operations including move-in, payments, transfers and searches. Mouse-over functions add to the speed and ease-of-use. Print and display your map on additional monitors for tenants to enhance their rental experience.
eCommerce Website
Rent more by adding reservations, online rentals and SiteLink eSign™ to your website. Create a richer online experience for tenants by adding special and revenue management pricing. With options for both small and large operators, stores using SiteLink convert more online leads to rentals.
Gate System Integration
SiteLink's commitment to technology partners extends to all of the industry's leading access control systems. Call us for help with your access system and satellite or remote operations.
Web Pay & Reserve
From your website, offer online payments and reservations for customers at no extra charge. Join thousands of operators who process credit card and ACH/EFT bank draft payments on their website. Reduce errors and collect more fees with online credit card and bank draft payments. Boost rentals by reserving units online.
SiteLink's TOTAL Customer Relationship Management (CRM) delivers more leads and boosts conversions to rentals. With CRM, workflows tie prospects and customers to events that trigger emails, letters or phone follow ups. Reach more customers easily and effectively with SiteLink.
SiteLink Partners
SiteLink integrates with industry-leading vendors to offer you choice. Choose among these trusted, long-standing technology partners to get the features, service and rates that fit your business. With SiteLink, you are never locked into one single solution.
Business Intelligence
Professional look and attention to detail have made SiteLink reports the industry standard among accountants, management companies, owners and financial institutions. Relevancy defines SiteLink reports and delivers tangible results. SiteLink's in-house development team and technology partners will create custom reports for you.
Payment Processing
Connect directly with processors using SiteLink Merchant Services for ACH and credit card payments. Enjoy the industry's best reporting, money saving, AVS and PCI Compliance tools. Or, process with one of our third-party technology partners. With SiteLink, you are never locked into one provider.
Enterprise Management
SiteLink's Corporate Control Center delivers the feature-rich reporting and back-end functionality that make SiteLink a favorite with most of the top 100 operators. Standardize settings for one or multiple stores including user levels, forms, discount plans and revenue management. Control your website's critical policies and settings instantly.
TOTAL Accounting
SiteLink sets the industry standard for financial reporting, accounting software integrations, financial controls and auditing, and compliance certification. SiteLink TOTAL Accounting's management reports help you predict business trends, uncover hidden profit potential and reach peak performance—ultimately offering the high-level financial perspective that owners find indispensible.
The Power of Mobility
As a companion to SiteLink Web Edition, use a tablet, smartphone, PC or Mac to take payments, move tenants in/out, transfer units, electronically sign and manage leases and documents, perform interactive walk-thru audits of your property, run real-time reports and use the graphical dashboard anytime, anywhere. What’s more, it is snappy fast. There is no additional cost to use SiteLink myHub.
Learn More About SiteLink myHub
SiteLink Web Edition Customer Testimonials
SiteLink customers love our self-storage management software. For eight years straight,
we have been voted ISS Best Management Software by our peers and customers.
The SiteLink team was hands on with timing of conversion and executing transfer of merchant services, tenant information, gate codes/interface, and provided an overall world class experience. Peter Phillips, General Manager at Stor-Mor Self-Storage
SiteLink offers a wide range of financial, marketing, tenant and occupancy reports. They’re all so in-depth and very good. Kraig Martin, Commercial Director at Storage Vault
The SiteLink Certified Professional Course is extremely valuable. It’s not only great training for new users, but also ideal for folks who’ve used SiteLink for a while as an opportunity to review, re-learn, and polish our skills. Blake Hall, Manager at 3D Self Storage
SiteLink Web Edition Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't find the answer you are looking for, contact us today or request a full versions demo of SiteLink Web Edition.
What is SiteLink Web Edition?
SiteLink Web Edition a turnkey software solution to operate your self-storage business and your website. Components include SiteLink Web Edition and the browser-based SiteLink myHub run your store. The Corporate Control Center lets multi-store operators batch-process reports, manage company-wide settings and handle call centers. The SiteLink API powers your website including specials, unit pricing, availability, payments, reservations and rentals. The industry-first SiteLink Marketplace offers a choice in technology partners integrating services ranging from call centers, kiosk, marketing services, mail providers and more.
Why Do Owners And Managers Choose SiteLink?
In the words of our clients, we offer the best lead tracking, support and more meaningful, regular enhancements. SiteLink powers the most websites. We have been using the feedback from working with more clients longer to add more tools than any other cloud based software. Our customers see the value in the profit tools and the choice in the many integrations we offer. Just ask any one of our many technology partners in the SiteLink Marketplace.
Is SiteLink Cloud-Based?
Yes. Our clients expect more reliability and flexibility from the most popular software in self-storage. SiteLink Web Edition offers speed and data access when Internet service is unavailable. SiteLink myHub runs in browsers and maximizes the convenience of tablets and mobile devices. Regular updates ensure you always have all the latest features.
Who Uses SiteLink?
With more than 14,000 installations, SiteLink is the most widely used software in self-storage. Single-store operators represent our largest user base. And, more than 80% of management companies and more than 70% of the top 100 self-storage operators use SiteLink. Single and small stores find SiteLink’s low bundle pricing and free eCommerce website most attractive.
Can I Run SiteLink On A Tablet?
Yes. Run SiteLink myHub in browsers, on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.
How Does SiteLink Help My Business?
LeadAlert™, a robo call whenever there is a new lead; built-in prompts, reminders and website integration; TeleTracker and call center integrations make SiteLink the leader in converting leads to rentals. Features like SiteLink eSign let you capture multiple signatures and store the various documents tenants sign, including leases, payment authorizations and insurance addendums. Price Optimizer for maximizing rates at stores and channels like your website, call centers and kiosks boosts revenue.
Getting Started with SiteLink
How Do I Get Started?
Call us at 919.865.0789, x1 or email [email protected] today. A dedicated support team member will work with you to set up SiteLink according to your rules. Phone and video conferencing, direct desktop control and professional videos complete the training.
Does SiteLink Require Me To Sign A Long-Term Contract?
No, SiteLink users go month-to-month and never have to sign a long term contract. Many of our clients have switched to SiteLink from providers who require auto-renewing contracts with short cancellation periods. We do not believe in holding users hostage. Customers choose SiteLink year-in, year-out because we understand they have choices.
How Is SiteLink Priced?
There are no long term contracts. A nominal one-time fee and a monthly subscription apply to each SiteLink license. There are no add-on fees for features. We include 7-day service, upgrades and as many users as you want. Most operators require one license per location, although some run multiple stores in one license.
Where Are Support Offices Located?
SiteLink has two offices for global service. Support for the Americas, Europe & Africa and all development is located in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Support for Australia, Asia & Near East is in Brisbane, Australia.
What Are The Support Hours?
For the Americas, Europe & Africa, normal support hours are M–F 7:00am to 7:00pm EST (GMT-5)
Australasia normal support hours are M-F 8:00am to 4:45pm GMT+10. After-hours support is available 7 days a week for both offices. -
What Types Of Training Does SiteLink Offer?
SiteLink is committed to your company’s success. 7-day service and training by phone, email, GoToMeeting screenshare sessions, desktop control and webinars are included. Training videos are available on our website and YouTube channel. And, a self-paced certification course is also available through our SiteLink Certified Professional training program for all Web Edition customers free of charge.
Ask us about the right way to train you and every member of your business; we are here to help. -
Is There A Charge For Ongoing Training And Support?
No. Unlimited phone support, service and training are part of SiteLink Web Edition. We are well-staffed and are standing by for your phone calls and emails.
Do You Convert My Old Software To SiteLink?
Yes. A member of the SiteLink support team will convert your data for you at a mutually agreed upon time. Depending on the software you are currently using, SiteLink will use remote desktop to get a database, reports, or Excel files. Your account representative will explain how much data we convert and how we make the transition a success. Since 1999, SiteLink has been perfecting data conversion tools. After more than 10,000 conversions, we understand how to make transitions from other software platforms a success.
What Major Features Does SiteLink Offer?
Owners know they need more than just moving tenants in and out and taking payments. Successful storage operations manage rate changes, collect internet leads and convert them to rentals, automate tenant notifications and collections and rely on accurate reporting and accounting. SiteLink is the complete solution for all of these and other needs. View highlights of a few offerings here: Top SiteLink Web Edition Features.
What Is The SiteLink Marketplace?
Having choice among vendors allows you to partner with the providers that best fit your business. The SiteLink Marketplace presents the offerings of vetted technology partners that have a proven history of delivering quality products and services through reliable integrations with SiteLink.Owners who shop the SiteLink Marketplace enjoy peace of mind knowing that these partners offer the level of support and quality products that SiteLink customers have come to expect. View Marketplace categories and vendors: SiteLink Marketplace Integrations.
What You Should Know About SiteLink
Does SiteLink Have Different Language Versions And Function Outside Of The USA?
Yes, there are numerous language versions built into one SiteLink platform. The most commonly used language versions, other than English, are Spanish, French, Portuguese and Chinese. We adapted SiteLink to regional operating system settings, measurements, currencies, taxes and laws.
Which Browser Should I Use?
SiteLink myHub runs in all browsers. Google Chrome and Microsoft browsers are recommended.
What Actions Are Required For Updates?
Updates are automatic. You do not need to do anything to update SiteLink Web Edition and myHub. We publish release notes a week before the update and on the day of the update.
Who Owns My Data?
With SiteLink, you own your data. We don't share your data, and if you choose to stop using SiteLink, while we will be sad to see you go, your data is yours. We will remove it from the SiteLink cloud unless you request we archive it for you.
What If My Company Needs Special Reports Or Features?
SiteLink’s in-house Business Intelligence team works with you to create custom tools. SiteLink offers custom reports, a built-in custom report writer and an API to satisfy varying custom reporting needs. Save time by batch printing reports or scheduling automatic report emails in Excel, PDF and text formats.
How Secure Is Data In SiteLink?
SiteLink sets the gold standard for data security in self-storage. Each year SiteLink undergoes a rigorous PCI Level-1 certification audit and independent 3rd party penetration tests. It should go without saying that critical data is encrypted and only transmitted through secure channels. Snapshots of all data is taken and stored every 10 minutes, and backups are stored in multiple locations, on and off site.
Can I Create Different Access Levels For Employees To SiteLink?
Yes, you can create different access levels for managers, assistant managers and other staff. You can disable menus and access to reports, for example. One case a client shared: disable direct access to the move-in menu and make all users manage all new contacts in Inquiries and Reservations, rent from there.
How Does SiteLink Track Leads and Tenants?
SiteLink tracks tenants from the first point of contact. LeadAlert™, a robo call; prompts, reminders and website integration; TeleTracker and call center integrations make SiteLink the leader in converting leads to rentals. SiteLink records correspondence and alerts including text messaging, emailing, printing and mail outsourcing. The Reminders system is unsurpassed for creating appointments, follow up and daily tasks. SiteLink collects all notes for the lifetime of the tenant, keeps data even after tenants move out and even lets you apply payments after move-out.
How Does SiteLink Work With SpareFoot?
What Is SpareFoot?
SpareFoot is an online self-storage marketplace that sends reservations to self storage facilities and helps stores sign more leases. To learn more about SpareFoot, visit
What Is the Relationship Between SpareFoot and SiteLink?
SiteLink and SpareFoot were acquired by Cove Hill Partners on April 13, 2018. Learn more about this consolidation of industry leaders by clicking here.
As a SiteLink User, Do I Have To Use SpareFoot?
Absolutely not. With SiteLink, you have choice in vendors such as those listed in the SiteLink Marketplace. SiteLink and SpareFoot are separate platforms that are operated separately.
Does SpareFoot Have Access to My SiteLink Data?
If you only use SiteLink, your tenant, unit, and pricing data are under your control and are not shared with SpareFoot. If you use both SiteLink and SpareFoot, you set the permissions of the integration.
How Do I Learn More About the SpareFoot Integration With SiteLink?
SpareFoot FAQs provide answers to common questions about its integration with SiteLink. Click here to learn more.
What Value Does the SiteLink-SpareFoot Integration Bring to Storage Operators?
SpareFoot brings together thousands of independent self-storage operators on a single platform, gives them high ranking in internet searches and helps them compete against the largest operators. Simply put, SpareFoot delivers more rentals to self-storage operators. To learn a bit more About SpareFoot, check out Facilities we're already working with in your area as well as What other managers & owners say about working with us.