SiteLink eSign™
At no added cost to you, capture electronic signatures on leases, letters and forms with SiteLink eSign™. Start using the industry's fastest-growing, hassle-free way to sign more agreements faster at stores, on your website and even by phone. Audit leases from anywhere and cut the cost of filing and storing paper documents.
Electronic Signatures
Electronic signature capture with SiteLink eSign lets tenants sign leases anywhere, anytime. Rent at your store and on your website. That means your tenants rent online and you fill more units using electronic signatures -- at no additional cost.
Streamline Your Application Process
We understand that some may prefer to have that "personal touch" with the customer -- and that has not changed. Tenants sign leases on any browser, including tablets and smartphones. Process leases at the store, when you rent by phone (as you talk to new tenants on phone!) and online. It's free, and only one click away! Get started with SiteLink eSign.
The fact that SiteLink eSign™ is entirely electronic means that we can virtually eliminate printing costs, and we don't have to worry about a physical rental agreement getting damaged. We can also be less concerned about the security of the rental agreement while stored online. From an operations perspective, this is great. On the customer side, it allows the online execution of rental agreements. Executing rental agreements which used to be limited to customers visiting our office, can now be easily emailed, executed, and stored.
In 2015, I believe the self-storage industry is going to see technology come together in more of a self-storage related ecosystem. More and more companies are introducing new technologies and SiteLink's API makes it easy for 3rd parties to integrate into the management software. So whether it's a company like Call Potential that integrate's their CRM with SiteLink, or SiteLink creating new services, there will be plenty of new options in self-storage technology.
Matt Van Horn, Vice President of Operations at Cutting Edge Self Storage
How SiteLink eSign™ Works
Eliminate Overhead Costs
Electronic document handling and storage eliminates printing and postage costs and lease storage. SiteLink eSign archives the lease for the term of the lease plus seven years after. Lease audits are seamless with SiteLink eSign.
Free Electronic Signature
- Lets tenants sign and complete leases when renting units on your website
- Captures electronic signatures from tenants at your store, online or via email
- Audit leases instantly, eliminate paper and reduce printing cost
- Stores leases within SiteLink for 7 years after a tenant vacates
When your prospect sees that your store provides the ability to sign an online lease on the spot -- chances are your rentals will increase. In fact, studies show that providing online leases with electronic signature may increase your store rentals by up to 40%.
SiteLink eSign™ Featured Resources
Make Online Leasing Easy to Convert More Visitors to Tenants
Today, 56% of prospective tenants begin their search for a storage unit on their mobile phone. But few will find they can complete that transaction on the same device. You can increase those conversio...
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