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Web Traffic And Ranking Are Useless, Unless:

Written by Chuck Vion on May 18, 2016 under Website Design & Online Marketing & SEO & Industry Webinar

Web Traffic And Ranking Are Useless, Unless:

Article Contributions by: Christopher Baird - CEO at Automatit

Congratulations, you’ve moved to the top of Google’s search results…so what?! Oh that’s right, that means more visitors to your website…again, so what? Marketing ‘experts’ try to convince us (and we apologize on their behalf) that “doubling traffic” is synonymous with increased revenue. A string of buzzwords often follows this sales conviction – demographics, SEO, mobile, social media, blah, etc. Their story isn’t completely wrong though, but it does leave out a chapter or two. You deserve to be enlightened by the tale of Conversion.

The Digital Marketing Conundrum

“How do you get more self-storage tenants and where do you spend your marketing budget?” Unless your business is blessed with unlimited resources, the decision process is overwhelming. As a valid option, “increasing site traffic” is highly recommended by digital marketers. However, the true expertise comes from knowing what to do with all of those ‘people.’ Dominating rankings and numbers is a respectable goal. Creating a solid user experience for website visitors is an even better goal. The ultimate goal? Turn those strangers into paying customers.

‘Weird’ Assumptions About Web Traffic

In no other capacity is ‘traffic’ ever a favorable experience. Traffic is strongly associated with delays, frustration, noise, pollution and even accidents. The irony? Although burdened by negative connotations, traffic is celebrated as a digital marketing win. It’s an interesting logic that invites a lot of disappointment. Website visitors who don’t (or can’t) become a customer is the best way to waste marketing dollars. Until data proves otherwise, assumptions often distract the reality of positive results. Don’t be fooled by these common misconceptions:

  1. There’s an infinite supply of traffic, so keep looking: Actually, web users have certain ‘types.’ The pool of Self-Storage seekers is definitely limited by timeliness – and YES, they will cheat on you with the competition! Remember, strangers must earn our trust through conversion
  2. Web visitors are only price shopping: Even if they are, why settle for such a passive action? A captive audience is at your disposal to convert into facility phone calls, electronic inquiries and online reservations. Traffic selfishly speeds away without any guarantee on returning
  3. Web traffic pushes ranking, and ranking spikes conversion: That’s one way to think about it, but credible marketers are smarter than that. The alternative is to use conversion as the starting point…(bear with us here)…Once Google identifies a string of positive user-experiences and interactions, they gift you with a higher ranking…And now that you’re showing at the top of search results, then your traffic begins to increase. Conversion BEFORE traffic is the approach worth investing in

Conversion Simply Stated

Think of it this way: If all website users were roaming, faceless strangers with hidden agendas – than the ones who actually pay attention can be welcomed as FRIENDS. Our digital Friends read our messaging, click the buttons we create, fill out e-forms and trust us more than the competition. They’ve ceased their price-shopping marathon. They’ve made their decision to crown “best self-storage pick.” These are the people who are ready to spend money. Our Friends are a truck-load away from becoming a tenant. At the very least, they prove their friendship by making a ‘reservation.’ All other traffic (loudly clicking around) is nothing more than a rush of friendly strangers who can’t be counted on.

Conversion Grows Your Business

Conversion is the hard work that requires custom strategies and integrated features. It’s often a team effort where owners, specialists and partners come together to capitalize on opportunity. Web traffic and ranking tactics all share fundamental knowledge to reach a common consumer pool. Conversely, conversion is relevant to unique goals that leverage a business model. Consistent reservations and occupancy levels cannot be tricked. Unmistakable, conversion guides the way your facilities make more money. Conversion is your new best friend.

‘Changes’ Worth Bragging About

Conversion is a change of action. We want the web visitor to take a specific step, and if they don’t, they remain a stranger to us. Conversion is more mature than a guessing game. Its attractiveness come from a commitment to produce a specific result. For the humbled marketer, anything worth celebrating must directly relate to ‘one more customer.’

The Conversion Monster Is Real

So unless a digital consumer makes a reservation or contacts your facility (or takes an obvious step closer to becoming a paying customer), improving website traffic and search ranking is useless. You haven’t been doing it wrong necessarily, the focus has just been a little misguided.

Article Contributions by: Christopher Baird - CEO at Automatit

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Watch the on-demand webinar Online Leasing – From Prospect to Customer now. In this webinar we will discuss how to close the online deal, and how to lighten the facility workload. Integrated online leasing with your software and customizable processes for your website will give you the best of both worlds.

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