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Benefits of Tenant Insurance for Both Small and Large Operators

Presented on September 16, 2015 by Mario Macaluso

Benefits of Tenant Insurance for Both Small and Large Operators

Tenant insurance, much like a door alarm, security camera, fenced perimeter, or coded access is an added value to your facility's safeguard features. You add value to your rental package by including an option for your tenants to enroll in a tenant insurance program that allows them to obtain coverage immediately upon move in.

Eliminate Self-Storage Tenant Stress

As a self-storage owner or operator, you know very well the culture and psychology of your tenants. We know you understand how stressful an unfortunate event such as a burglary or fire can be to your tenants when their hard earned property is lost or damaged. Unfortunately, in those devastating times a tenant may feel victimized and point the blame on you! Some operators have been called negligent or unsafe and the word of mouth spreads fast.

Become The Hero

However, by offering your tenants the option to obtain tenant insurance at your facility, you become their hero in the event of a claim. By having an insurance benefit available at your facility, you mitigate your liability by providing a simple solution for your tenants. The best part of all, you move all the tenant's frustration from you to the insurance company you work with. It's the responsibility of the tenant insurance company to handle the claims of your tenants, thus relieving you and your staff of that burden.

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Benefits of Tenant Insurance for Both Small and Large Operators Reviews

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