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Benefits of Affordable, Automated Past Due Reminders

Presented on November 18, 2015 by Todd Sheffer from Storage Collections

Benefits of Affordable, Automated Past Due Reminders

Want to improve cash flow, eliminate wasted man-hours, improve the customer experience and lift employee morale? Learn how to utilize a service that offers both automated calls and text messages for past-due notifications that will not only improve your collection activities and increase online payments, but also improve labor efficiency.

Automated Tenant Notification Reminders

There are three main areas that get affected when you automate your past due reminders: Savings, Service, Sanity.

Saving. The proper use of time and money is key to achieving higher profits. Automating past due tenant reminders takes minutes.

Service. The customer experience is your customers' perceptions -- both conscious and subconscious -- of their relationship with you resulting from all their interactions during the customer life cycle.

Sanity. Integrating a simple solution of automated past due reminders have not been officially tested, but feedback from site managers has been a collective sigh of relief.

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Turbo-Charge Your Website to Get More Online Rentals

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Marketing your self-storage business online begins with a well-designed and interactive website. Yet many owners and operators still do not take advantage of integrating with major management software to enhance interactive website capabilities. In this webinar you will get to learn how the aspect of a well-designed and interactive website. Most people don't take advantage of the little things you can do in order to gain more reservations and rentals using online tools.

Benefits of Offering Live Chat and Around The Clock Pay By Phone

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Live Chat and 24/7 Pay by Phone features allow your prospective and current tenants to reach you in a way that is most convenient for them. Make sure you’re relevant online and by phone!

Benefits of Affordable, Automated Past Due Reminders Reviews

(11 ratings)

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