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Registered Email for Legal Notices is Hassle-Free

Written by Chuck Vion on June 23, 2014 under Registered Mail & Tenant Notifications & Industry Webinar

Registered Email for Legal Notices is Hassle-Free

Article Contributions by: Carlos Kaslow - Founder & Developer at Self Storage Legal Network

RPost services are used in the self-storage industry for sending secure communications via email such as late notices, rate changes, abandonment agreements, and lien notices (in the states listed below which have legalized lien notices).

21 states now have self-storage lien statutes that allow the operator to send lien notices via email. However, it does not behoove the self-storage operation to send lien notices or other legal documents via email without a registered receipt. According to the Federal Rules of Evidence, RPost's registered email messages provide sufficient proof to be admissible in a United States court. Their findings state that the Registered Email service is able to prove to a court that a particular message was delivered, what it said, and often even whether it was opened.

RPost's integration with SiteLink Web Edition makes it effortless to send registered email lien notices to tenants in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana (as of 7/1/14) Kansas, Kentucky (as of 7/1/14), Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas & Utah.

States where revised self-storage lien statutes been filed (revision of the law to allow for lien notices to be sent via email) include Alabama, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Washington & Wisconsin.

SiteLink Web Edition enables self-storage operations to send registered email to their tenants for important legal documentation. It's as simple as selecting the "email" function versus the "print" function. No more going to the post office to send your registered mail. It can all be done from your computer with "a push of a button!"

Article Contributions by: Carlos Kaslow - Founder & Developer at Self Storage Legal Network

Want To Learn More?

Watch The On-Demand Webinar Now

Watch the on-demand webinar Improve Tenant Response While Reducing Operational Costs now. When you send notices sent via postal mail, you incur the cost of supplies, time and no guarantee the recipient has opened the mail. Or, if you send the message via email, delivery is uncertain. In many cases, the email is untraceable for end users. Using couriers or fax for receipts or to obtain recipient signatures on contracts is expensive and cumbersome. There is a better way with RPost's Registered Email service. In this webinar you will get to learn how to stay on the competitive edge by using RPost's registered email service to deliver notices instead of mail or fax.

Watch The Webinar Now

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